When I am fighting, in a challenge, or otherwise, I have very little patience for those things thou mentioned. Loremasters staves, mages rituals, seers rituals, etc.
All those things attack me, and it is a simple matter to make them NOT attack me.
I have no choice, but to believe that the person who owns them wishes to attack me, thus anytime I am affected by them, they ARE attacking me. If, at that time, I am fighting someone else, I will consider it teaming.
Especially after I have explained to them that I am fighting (as was the case with thee) and asked them to unenemy me for the duration. Of course, they generally refuse, and then whine and ask why I killed them.
Here's thy reason, Porthos.
I was fighting Tyrion, decent in his own right, plus Sajora whenever she thought it was safe to drop from the trees. At times I had Wil with me, although thy girdling in the clouds made sure he couldn't stay there.
After the entire area around the clouds and PE was girdled, I decided that thou were the most dangerous of the players attacking me, and so set off after thee.
Thou had challenged Blotto (though she had not returned) and while she was sitting nicely in the clouds, I shipped thee in Springtown.
Call it teaming if thou wish, the majority of people (contrary to thy demented view) know thee for the hypocrite thou art.
I don't really care what thou think, I will continue to live by the code of honour I always have.
Lord Arthor
Written by my hand on the 27th of Paglost, in the year 1034.