Do you really believe the crap you post here?.

My lil' Lammy Lamotheto Porthos, Solo Fighter

What really happened last night

You were in your stock room bonding yourself for dp. Arthor and Tyrion were fighting, at which point. you stepped out of your stockroom (with 178 bonds on wax#81764) and from 1 step away from your protected safety area... you put up girdling rituals

in the locations where Arthor and Tyrion were fighting.

You then proceeded to straight to the pool, and from one step away from the Pool of Life, you teamed further.

When Tyrion was killed and taking the cruise ride of death, you ran back to Springtown and desperately tried to put up dp. Unfortunately you were shipped before you made that 250 bond mark.

Have all the delusions you want, and feel free to post about them at will... but please try to keep your post about Thakrian citizens acurate.

Written by my hand on the 26th of Paglost, in the year 1034.