Porthos is an incompetent, hypocritical shit. We all have seen the evidence and know it to be fact. Why, just today I slew him three times while he was in his own store-room. Apparantely he was \"link dead. \" How he managed to summon the ship while
link dead, I don't know. I do know that he has 1) put girdling throughout dozens of locations in thakria to make it difficult to walk. 2) Given people (me) every curse he could from behind Keldor, Threap, and Tyrion's skirt. (But that's not teaming
, goodness no.) 3) Gotten 30 farbonds on me from a ST store while I was involved in a group fight. Fortunately, when we fought a challenge I slew him before he got 31. But that's besides the point. The point is, we all know he's worthless, lets s
top talking about it.
Written by my hand on the 27th of Mournsend, in the year 1034.