Geez guys where's your sense of humour.

Underestimating Tahlveornto Lady Koyen, the Fair

I am sorry that you took great exception to my rather cynical comments on the end of my last post, I hope the majority of people took it in the spirit in which it was meant, anyway... onto your points.

1. The fighters board (from what i have seen) IS for people to make sweeping generalizations and attempt to tar as many people with the same brush as they can.

2. I have brought into question the accuracy of certain Thakrians press releases (despite your good example) as i cannot believe for a second that everyone in the City of Miracles is always innocent.

Indeed if the true persona of those posting was so squeaky clean then they would be incapable of fighting - the glare from their well polished halo's reflecting off their shiny white armour would surely obscure their view of their opponent.

Maybe I am wrong and my fellow citizens just make it all up or perhaps just imagined it (some of them do smoke a lot of Furglewort in cass sq.) but... I doubt it.

I have done regrettable and dare i say it dishonourable things in the past (i try not to make a habit of it you understand) and i am a firm believer that everyone else has at some point

(accept the Animists (those guys are so good its scary)).

I hope that clears up the sarcasm... onto your other points -

I do hope our next challenge doesnt turn unfriendly... no more than the last one anyway :)

And finally... I dont rely on Ultimate Swordplay to keep me alive and for the record when we last fought. your skill with swords was legendary whilst mine barely renowned.

Yours, always willing to promote discussion.


Written by my hand on the 8th of Agamnion, in the year 1033.