The Point, I think.

Arikarr, Granting Absolutionto Everyone

I, too, run my own MUD, and I know first hand what it can be like for

a deity. It is quite often constant Spam of all flavours and

colours, some important, some amusing, some just inane drivel.

Monitoring, watching and adjusting is the name of the game, and

it takes 100% concentration and effort. Something which many of

us often lack as mortals. In order to be able to perform this

task, sometimes you have to sacrifice things, such as the simple

pleasure of 'playing' with one or two mortals at a time, sometimes

it gives you a screaming migraine, and you don't WANT to deal with

mortals right now. So you go invisible, and become an article

of pure faith.

Thats right, faith. Personally, I make it habit to believe that

the Gods are ALWAYS there, and ALWAYS watching. They know

everything we do, and if we draw their attention, then they will

act for good or ill as they will.

Now, I have played other games, other muds, and I have seen

horrendous abuses of deific/immortal/wizard powers where someone

has made an issue out of something and then been battered, abused

and insulted by Gods...

I have NEVER seen this happen in Avalon, and I have first hand

experience of how fair, just and equal minded the Gods here

actually are.

I think that its enough that they manage this game in such

a manner whilst allowing us to proceed as we will with maximum

freedom to act, or be acted upon, WITHOUT Divine Intervention.

Finally, the point I wanted to make at the start before I

thought of all that drivel was that no God has actually

commented upon this thread as yet. Yet, despite this, we

have uncovered thoughts, truths, misconceptions and information,

and in the application of this, we, the mortals, make changes

to OUR world.

And all because a God didn't answer a single mortal question.

I can see them sitting back and smiling, high upon Olympus,

and saying 'Hah. And they think we DIDN'T act.'

Stop and think about it.

Written by my hand on the 22nd of Skyelong, in the year 1033.