jumping teaming blah blah blah.

Springdalian Ranger Stranger, The Cave Dwelling Bearto Everyone

Ok for a fighters BB this is somewhat pathetic. I saw one post that made some sense and wasnt banter that could be thrown around in tells reguardless of who started posting so others thought to reply. I salute Arikarr(Whom I have rarely gotten along w

ith or agreed with). I have been teamed, jumped, been killed and on very very rare occasions this poor fighter actually gets a kill. I die without posting. I win without posting. I care not if I can kill a mage a wizard a sorcerer or anyone. I fight m

ainly from being jumped which though annoying sometimes I do enjoy actually.

Huzow may have actually heard me recently say i love dieing after he killed me and Arikarr unenemied me after I did not complain, whine or anything after several jumps by him. Even Nafia(Who I think is funny hehehe) I think can agree I havnt complaine

d to him Quite the opposite. I often tell him to try again and he does. I die and he does it again. Well this kinda means I will be seen as an easy target since I have stated my fighting is poor. Just remember. I learn from every death you deal me and

levels can always be gained(Though I could use a brew). Hope to see ya on my back chasing me around Avalon.

Stranger-Slapping a bulseye on his back,forehead, and chest.

Written by my hand on the 14th of Ilmarael, in the year 1032.