Quick point of fact: only you against 3 of us?
You and Toranaga against Keldor and me? Oh, well you missed Lamothe who was hiding in the trees with my head, so I spent most of the fight truecrippled and dumb, now her lack of any form of competence is a tribute to her, but it's still incovenient to
say the least. Oh, and Yairi was pottering around, Im not sure where he pottered off to but..... so, lemme see that would make it 3 vs 2 at the least, if not 4
Oh, and I have full ultimate skills? damnit, where is my unicorn? I say this is prejudice and it sucks.
What, I have to get ultimate in bullshitting too like zenichiro has? nuts that could take me years before I could lie that well.
Ack, well.
Hug a Zenichiro today, it wont keep the doctor away but it gives you that lovely just left the trash can feel.
Written by my hand on the 8th of Ilmarael, in the year 1032.