Let's take it step by step.
I said i respect your fighting abilities,not you. Therefore i don't care what are your feelings towards me. It is clear you don't understand or accept my sense of honour becouse if you'd follow it you wouldn't have jump or strip people.
About Parrius fighting other day... i never asked to be treated differently. First thing i said to Drasnia when i entered realm tonight was \"Hell,i'm going to die so many times\".
I just want to remind you that is wasn't 5 to 1 but Zenichiro (who surely can be counted as 3),Eumaius and me against You,Threap,Blueskull and Costantine,who joined little later. Those odds sounds more then fare to me.
Why won't i go and team Randon,Ragar,Dunccan or Jenna? Becouse they never teamed me or jumped me. Only people on my enemy list are those who jumped,teamed or stripped me first,with no direct reason given by me.
Today i dropped dp when i saw first death message of thakrian citizen and fought untill i thought attack is over. Well,i thought wrong and that is my mistake i appologise before both Kronos and Lamothe who fought brave against yout attacking wave.
You might call me stupid and ignorant but you i have never gave reason to call me coward,nor i will in the future.
I have never claimed that issuing challenge back is something evebody have to do.
I only pointed out that only springtownians who will accept my challenges are you,Blueskull,Shadowen,Allanon,Threap and couple of other elders.
Noone,and you can qoute me on that,about my size or even twice my size from your city wants to fight me. They quit or run to safe locations,which i personally find pathetic.
Now about bathing to open kill opportunity again. Get a grip man! When you say you had nothing to do with this at least give me a day to forget how you,Gandalph and Blue was standing in the same location with me and talking to each other... \"Bath her. Wh
o? Lamothe. Where is the body? I see a body held by Blueskull\". What was followed by Blue instantly bathing her.
I am not trying to change you for that will be useless and we already established that our conducts are too different.
This reply was just to point out that there is no good in misinterpriting the truth,no need for that also.
Written by my hand on the 3rd of Midsummer, in the year 1032.