
Sparkling Keldor of Springdaleto Everyone

Thanks Gandalph,

That was meant to be my point although it wasn't clear as I only added it on to the end of my post as a 'ps'.

Whilst I can see that pessimism is a good skill and don't think it is overpowered per se, it is being used to clean out breldiar from pouches

until the target cannot cure anymore, as there is just (I believe) the one cure (barring another seer curing you of course.)

In a team battle after the seer has wasted your breldiar there is little point in putting up a fight with pessimism.

I don't think the skill is overpowered, more so the cure is underpowered.

Just my thoughts,

Sparkling Keldor, of Springdale.

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Midsummer, in the year 1032.