Jenna definately was not involved in \"teaming\" Nafai. As to her being
around when Nafai jumped our little bash the other night and got himself
shipped for his troubles, yes she was bashing with us. Seriously though
even if she had wanted to get in a few punches at Nafai, she didnt have
the time before he was walking on a silver beach. As to Jarok's
involvement, when Nafai qq'd after he finished his boat ride he must have
called in reinforcements, which included Jarok, even though why he felt
he was powerful enough to be involved I'll never know.
Congrats to Arthor, Marduk, Wotan and Dartanian for finally winning that
fight by the way. As much as I dislike you guys most of the time I do
appreciate the other night, haven't had that much fun in LOOONG time.
Gotta stop letting RL get in the way of my addiction.
Creal, Fallen Angel, Lover of Violence
P. S. - Jarok, I'm sorry but I can't kill you anymore, I get too much
bloodlust from it. I know how much you look forward to throwing yourself
into my rits but, it's just not working out for me anymore.
Written by my hand on the 21st of Mournsend, in the year 1032.