Sure, Kes spends a lot of time in the pool, I'm not going to deny that, but you have to admit he has been spending a lot less in there as of late and has shown great bravery in constantly fighting off the disgraceful and extremely unfair teams that co
ntinually jump him.
YOU on the otherhand spend all your time in divinely proteced locs, only coming out of your hole when all your little underlings are on to cowardly team people significantly smaller than you. That's just pathethic for a man who has ALL ults and 1570 h
ealth ALL the time!
And I just love your little trick of issueing a challenge to me, and then jumping me 2 secs later to make it look like killing me was justified and make you look like a kick-ass fighter, which you may be but I haven't see you do anything spectacular y
Ohh, I'm sure you have done some great and fantastic things in the past, you must have done something to make all the older players run for cover whenever you're on... but this is the impression I have gotten for you thus far \"my lord\" - a lowly cowa
rd -
Written by my hand on the 18th of Eleuthral, in the year 1031.