Dedicated fighter.

Lord Arthor, Scion of Darknessto Abbot Elbethamore

Perhaps I am not an authority on this, but I always thought that one had to FIGHT to gain the title dedicated fighter.

I don't see how someone sitting in the Pool and posting helps the side of the Light at all, but like I said, what do I know.

Just because Kes has been right before does not make him \"in the main part\" nor \"a disturbing knack of being\" right.

Lies are much more accepted when laced with the truth, and a few truths may cover many lies.

If you ever have a few days to waste, try reading everything Kes has ever posted. If you do not go mad yourself, you will certainly no longer believe him to be generally correct.

For all of you young people who feel sorry for Kes, and can't seem to figure out why he gets \"all the crap,\" let me assure you that it is for good reason.

Some of it is because of his postings. Some is because he comes out with large groups and teams.

Some is because of his extreme cowardice.

But the reason I hate Kes, is because this once proud and honourable knight who has sunken so low blamed his dishonour on me.

For that, I will keep Kes cowering in the pool, and continue to be amazed by those who defend him.

Lord Arthor

Written by my hand on the 29th of Mournsend, in the year 1028.