a stupd moron.

Taliesin, the Justto Everyone


That said..... don't start slag matches with your old mates when **you** were the defecatory by-product that betrayed everyone without even the customary courtesy of an \"Eat my shorts, I hate youall and i am leaving case there is less risk in teams. \"

I do not claim to be a great warrior. Its not my job. Its my job to motivate and organise others. And frankly, when no outnumbered six o 2, etc, we do not do at all badly. I am very proud of Thakrians these days. Frankly I hope the other side is p

roud of themselves too.+

Cheers to Hellchaser and Geist for some great rumbles recently. {See not *everything* on this board has to be rude.

Written by my hand on the 8th of Midwinter, in the year 1024.