I think my meaning with this BB section got a little misconstrued - I
hadn't intended it as a biography section (though the posts are welcome)
and figured it would likely centre around things relating in some way
to Avalon etc. The idea was just that it was entirely out of role,
any discussion leaving the in-game characters behind... whether it be
real-life issues or matters in some way connected to Avalon (especially
in this recent climate of great flux). Simply a forum unshackled by
any role, repercussions, etc. I guess the little portfolio of real-life
introductions is good for divorcing this forum from the others in
tone but don't feel obligated to completely cast aside the one
thing everybody here has in common - Avalon. Leave the Elders for
nitty-gritty and argument, though. Broad strokes instead welcome here.
Or whatever. Your first significant memories in Avalon? How you ended
up here, developing a secondary life in this gameworld rather than
watching American Idol with the doped-up millions. Or silence. It's
all good.
Written by my hand on the 12th of Cloudburst, in the year 1228.